Now available on Amazon!


My first published flash-fiction story, entitled “MINE,” is now available in print!

Many of you know the good people at HAVOK Publishing. What you may not know is that HAVOK prints seasonal anthologies of curated stories that are chosen by their readers and editors. Now they have released SEASON TWO: STORIES THAT SING - A Flash Fiction Anthology, and I’m beyond thrilled that my story was selected for inclusion!

It’s available now on Amazon at a GREAT PRICE, so support indie publishing and authors and get your copy today! The printed format is coming soon, but you can get the Kindle edition starting April 30, 2020.

If you don’t know about HAVOK, they release fresh, free, flash-fiction stories on their site every weekday, and for just a five bucks a year subscribers can freely access all their stories and archives.


Blueberry Delight

One of the many amazing things about my mom was her love of cooking, especially for people she loved.  It was important to her that the food not only taste wonderful, but it had to look beautiful too. One of her Fourth of July standards was Blueberry Delight, a no-bake cream cheesecake on a graham cracker crust with blueberry pie filling on top.  It's a  pretty standard recipe, but special to me nonetheless.  I lost my card and searched her recipe boxes in hopes of finding her original recipe.

My efforts were not in vain, yielding not only the recipe, but Mom's source for this dessert.  So thank you Ellie Haugauer, wherever you are.  (I sometimes have difficulty deciphering Mom's handwriting, so that last name is really iffy.)  I think she got this recipe in the early 1970's.  Which means we were either going to the AOG or the Evangelical Lutheran church at the time.  I suspect the Lutheran church, it was full of Norwegian ladies that made great desserts.

Blueberry Delight

Mix and press into 9 x 13 pan:

  • 2 1⁄4 c graham crackers, crumbled (1 pkg)

  • 1⁄4 c sugar

  • 1⁄2 c margarine, melted (I use butter)

Bake @ 350° for 8 min.  Cool.


  • 1⁄2 c sour cream

  • 8 oz cream cheese, softened

  • 1⁄3 c powdered sugar

Fold in gently:

  • 2 c dream whip, whipped (I just made some whipped cream - added confectioner's sugar & vanilla)

Spread gently over cooled crust.

Chill until firm.

Spoon blueberry (or cherry, strawberry, whatever you want!) pie filling over top, return to fridge.

Serve chilled.

It's a really easy recipe, and a very light dessert (to eat, probably not calorie-wise.)

Leave a comment here if you try it.  let me know how it comes out!  If you can keep the hounds at bay, send me a pic!  Mine always gets devoured before I can get to a camera!

thoughts on a verse

What does it mean to stretch out the heavens?

Is it like pulling taffy, or rolling dough?

Is it the unrolling of canvas to stretch over a frame, or pulling stockings over feet until the shrunken opaqueness conforms translucently to the leg?

Was there a concentration of dark substance thinned and stretched to reveal the image, unseen until time and space interrupted its pixels?

Is painting not a spreading or pulling of concentrated pigment across a surface until the soul’s expression is revealed?

But the one who stretches also condenses, for the Word became flesh and lived among us. Not the transference of divine energy into a vessel unable to contain its glory, but the concentrated essence of love, clothed in mortality, with one intent; to offer up its flesh, suffer and be killed, rather than let love’s object —us—bear the consequences of our own trespasses.

What does it mean to lay the foundation of the earth?

Is foundation the crust upon which we walk, mortal inhabitants who imagine ourselves creators and gods?

The product of erosion by nature and man, from which we rake and pillage substances we deem valuable, and upon which we deposit blood, sweat, and waste? Dispersed by air, dissolved by water; this solid matter has existed far longer than we. Yet we claim to own the dust to which we will all return. But we did not lay it.

Is the foundation of the earth its core, hidden deep within the strata and substrata? The molten nucleus wrapped by protective layers until we can live and move and have our being without suffering destruction.

Is the foundation of the earth not the building blocks from which we all derive our substance? The carbon and the nitrogen? The hydrogen and iron?

Who ordered these in such a way as to allow life, thought, art, and love, to thrive within their expressions? These elements exist on other spheres and yet there we hear no baby’s cry. No lover’s caress. No pang of grief and loss.

The heavens are a vast thing to stretch into existence, its foundations comprised of particles invisible to our eye. The incomprehensibly large and the infinitesimally small, both designed by the One. But this bit of scripture also declares that you are the LORD who forms the human spirit within a person.

The most elusive aspect of our being, which scientists cannot measure, but accounts for what we most value, is also formed by You.

This knowledge is so full of wonder, my mind cannot grasp it.


*Zechariah 12:1